Learning Goals

Learning Goals:




The first step in building a strong digital portfolio is to identify your learning goals. Here are some tips to help you write your learning goals for each year of high school:

1.  Think of your goals as "action statements."
2.  Start each learning goal with a verb such as increase, create, build, lead, write, formulate, etc.
3. Revisit your goals periodically to determine your progress and if you are on the right track

Try to identify a minimum of three goals, and strive to make your goals SMART:

pecific- statement of exactly what you want to achieve 
Measurable - attaching definite numbers of values to the goal
Action-orienteda goal that let's you do something
Relevant- the goal is related to work and learning that is important to you
Time-based- you have a clear due date for achieving the goal 

Example of a SMART academic goal:

"I will increase my organizational skills by using Evernote in all of my classes. I will download Evernote and will use the app daily to organize my class notes by creating notebooks and using tags."

What makes this a smart goal?

  • Specific- all of your classes
  • Measurable- use the app daily
  • Action-oriented - downloading the app, setting up notebooks, and using tags
  • Relevant- all your classes require notetaking
  • Time-Based- this is a goal you will start working on right when school starts and will continue throughout the semester/year 

Here are some examples of SMART vs. not-smart goals: (adapted from studentleadership.org)

“We’re going to advertise on social media, spread flyers, and make phone calls to   help publicize the BHS Halloween dance.”

“We’re going to advertise on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram,  for one weekpost 50 flyers in all the classroom buildings, and each make 10 phone calls to help publicize the BHS Halloween Dance.”

Visit Studentleadership.com for more examples of SMART goals.

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